Site Reclamation on the Westmoreland Coal Mine site using Proganic and Promatrix. 20 ha of Both products were sprayed at 3940kg ha.

🌱 CEC's Environmental Restoration Triumph: Reclaiming Westmorland Coal Mine Site with Proganic and Promatrix 🚜

Project Showcase: Canadian Erosion & Containment (CEC) proudly announces the successful completion of a transformative site reclamation project at the Westmorland Coal Mine site. Covering 20 hectares, this initiative utilized Proganic and Promatrix, sprayed at 3940kg/ha, to rejuvenate and restore the landscape.

Key Components:

  • Proganic Application: CEC employed Proganic, a powerful organic soil amendment, to enrich the soil and promote the establishment of a healthy and biodiverse ecosystem.

  • Promatrix Seeding: The strategic application of Promatrix seeding technology ensured the even distribution of seeds, fostering the growth of native vegetation for long-term sustainability.

Project Highlights:

  1. Comprehensive Reclamation: The 20-hectare project area underwent a comprehensive transformation, transitioning from mining impact to a thriving, reclaimed landscape.

  2. Eco-friendly Approach: Proganic and Promatrix, applied at 3940kg/ha, exemplify CEC's commitment to eco-friendly practices, promoting biodiversity and restoring natural balance.

  3. Long-term Sustainability: The combination of Proganic and Promatrix sets the foundation for long-term sustainability, ensuring the reclamation's resilience against environmental challenges.

Client Satisfaction: CEC prioritizes client satisfaction, delivering successful outcomes through tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of the Westmorland Coal Mine site.

Revitalizing Landscapes, Preserving Legacies: CEC's accomplishment in site reclamation using Proganic and Promatrix reflects our dedication to revitalizing landscapes, preserving legacies, and contributing to a more sustainable future.

For more information on this impactful project and our diverse environmental solutions, please visit our website or contact us directly.


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