CEC Supply and Install ACB.

Flexamat and Cable Concrete by the Canadian Erosion & Containment (CEC) team has installed 1000s of m2 across Alberta and British Columbia.

  1. Flexamat:

  2. Cable Concrete®:

    • What Is It?: Cable Concrete® is an Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) system connected by cables.

    • How It Works:

      • Each individual block can flex and adapt to the terrain of the ground.

      • Available in four different thicknesses, providing stability economically.

    • Applications:

      • Streambanks: Preventing erosion along streambanks.

      • Shorelines: Stabilizing shorelines against water action.

      • Channels: Reinforcing channels to prevent scour.

      • Slopes: Taming unruly slopes 3.

The CEC’s expertise and these innovative products have significantly impacted the protection of our environment. Kudos to their commitment!

Make it stand out.

  • Flexamat

    . Flexamat is a remarkable solution for erosion control and stabilization. It’s like a superhero cape for slopes, channels, and shorelines!

    Here’s the lowdown on Flexamat:

    What Is It?: Flexamat is a vegetated concrete block mat designed to stabilize slopes, channels, low water crossings, inlet/outlet protection, and shorelines. Imagine concrete blocks (each measuring 6.5" x 6.5" with a 2.25" profile) locked together and embedded into a high-strength geogrid. These blocks have a spacing of 1.5 inches, allowing for optional vegetation growth. The mat comes in convenient rolls for efficient transport and installation.

    Why It’s Awesome:

    Low Maintenance: Once installed, Flexamat requires minimal upkeep.

    Reduced Costs: It’s a cost-effective solution for erosion control.

    Permanent: Flexamat doesn’t play hide-and-seek; it stays put!

    Featured Case Study: Premier Country Club Streambank Armoring. Flexamat flexed its muscles to protect streambanks and keep things stable.

    If you’re curious about which specific type of Flexamat suits your project, check out their product recommender for guidance. Whether it’s slopes, channels, or shorelines, Flexamat has got your back!

    Remember, this isn’t just any concrete—it’s Flexamat!

  • Cable Concrete

    Cable Concrete®: The Articulating Concrete Block System

    Cable Concrete® is like a superhero cape for erosion control and stabilization. Here’s what you need to know:

    What Is It?

    Cable Concrete® is an Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) system that’s all about flexibility and adaptability.

    Each individual block is connected by cables, allowing it to flex and conform to the natural terrain of the ground.

    These interconnected blocks come in four different thicknesses, catering to various project requirements while maintaining stability.

    How Does It Work?

    Imagine a puzzle of concrete blocks, each with its own cable connections.

    When installed, these blocks interlock, creating a robust and flexible surface.

    The system adapts to changes in ground elevation, water flow, and environmental conditions.

    Why Is It Awesome?

    Stability: Cable Concrete® provides the necessary stability for slopes, channels, shorelines, and low water crossings.

    Economic: It’s a cost-effective solution for erosion control.

    Eco-Friendly: The blocks allow vegetation growth, promoting a harmonious blend of nature and engineering.

    Extensive Testing

    Cable Concrete® has undergone rigorous testing by engineering departments at three prestigious universities:

    The University of Windsor, Ontario

    The University of Colorado

    The University of Minnesota


    Streambanks: Protecting streambanks from erosion.

    Shorelines: Stabilizing shorelines against wave action.

    Channels: Reinforcing channels to prevent scour.

    Slopes: Taming unruly slopes.

    Remember, when it comes to erosion control, Cable Concrete® steps up to the challenge, combining strength, flexibility, and environmental harmony.

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